Tips and Tricks


You know the feeling when you're rushed in the morning and everything falls to pieces?
My morning consisted as such: I didn't know what the weather was going to be like (rain boots or no?!), hadn't the slightest idea of an outfit and I was already running late. Now, I'm positive I'm not the only one that has gone through this morning disaster. The thing I did was pick a simple t shirt, jeans and my Nike tennis shoes. Even though it's not an incredibly "glamorous" outfit, it got me more focused to start my day and not have to worry about clothes (which is the basis of my morning, we all want to look good when we start the day right?). In hindsight, I'm really happy I just chose something simple rather than something I would regret wearing later on.
FASHION REGRET: Last week, I was pushed for time in the morning and hadn't really picked out an outfit so I didn't take the simple route. I put on my snakeskin jeans (but don't get me wrong! I LOVE those pants), a Quiet Riot colored t shirt, and Vans. All of them are great pieces ON THEIR OWN. But, pair them all together? Joanne Rivers should've had a segment on me during Fashion Police. There was just too much going on and I regretted my outfit the rest of the day. When trying to avoid mornings like that, just keep it simple! It's a lot better then looking like a hot mess during the day.

Stay on the Contrary!


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